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Child General Internet Usage and Safety

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Do you work with children in a caregiving, mentoring, or educational capacity? If so, help protect the children you work with from risky internet behavior by having the kids fill out our online child general internet usage and safety form.

What's in the Child General Internet Usage and Safety?

Launch this form as-is or customize it to your heart's content!

Use This Form

Our online child general internet usage and safety form is easy for kids to fill out, and it asks important questions about internet usage. Does the child have parental permission to use the internet? Where does the child access the internet? Has the child ever been bullied online? Learn the answers to these questions and more when you have kids fill out our easy-to-use survey.

Child care and safety form templates

Browse our 400+ online form templates or click any of the Child care and safety form templates below to start using it immediately after you sign up or sign in.

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