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Stress Management Knowledge Questionnaire

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Managing stress can be an ongoing challenge for everyone, particularly because it so often ebbs and flows. Student stress, workplace stress, and occupational stress often top the list of major stressors affecting people's health, performance, and overall quality of life. Take advantage of our ready-to-use online Stress Management Knowledge Questionnaire to ask your students or employees important questions about how well they understand stress and the different ways they can deal with it during their busy lives.

What's in the Stress Management Knowledge Questionnaire?

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Our online stress assessment questionnaire is targeted to determine just how much people really know about various types of stress and appropriate coping strategies, making it possible for you to better assess their stress management capacities. Are they aware that stress is personal and can affect more than just physical and emotional well-being? How much do they know about specific coping techniques? Do they understand what changeable stressors are and strategies for facing them? Do they realize that poor health can cause stress - and that stress can cause health problems? Analyzing the responses of your students or staff can help you to develop focused programs to help them better cope with stress in the future - making them more productive, more reliable, and much happier!

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